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Hi I’m Jessica Karas Bay, an Adelaide based Postpartum Doula specialising in afterbirth healing, care, recovery & much more.I have created my own Postpartum Pantry afterbirth ebook which you can purchase online.

Placenta encapsulation is an ancient ritual that has been passed down through generations of Mothers in many cultures around the globe and is becoming increasingly popular in the western world among modern, conscious Mamas.

Placenta Encapsulation Adelaide

Placenta Encapsulation

Consuming the placenta in capsules can help to nourish the Mother after birth by replacing lost essential nutrients, iron and hormones and may entirely prevent the ‘baby blues’ and postnatal depression.

The placenta has been known to be one of the forgotten chakras and an incredible organ that is vital to the healthy development of the baby and also to postpartum health. A new mother’s body, among other factors, is dealing with rapid and drastic hormonal changes triggered by birth and is engaged in the process of achieving a post-pregnancy state. Scientists think that these enormous changes, coupled with other factors such as genetics, are the cause of the rapid mood swings mothers face, postpartum depression, and their overall sense of exhaustion. The placenta is an endocrine organ, meaning it is a hormone powerhouse. Ingesting placenta pills days after birth may aid in softening the intensity of these hormonal drops and imbalances and can gently help to balance and restore the body naturally.

Placenta Encapsulation has many positive effects which can;

  • Increase the release of Oxytocin, the ultimate feel good hormone which encourages bonding with your baby and aids the uterus in returning to its normal size
  • Increase the levels of CRH, a stress-reducing hormone leaving you feeling calmer and generally happier
  • Prevent or decrease the baby blues and postnatal depression
  • Restore iron levels in the blood and helps to prevent iron deficiencies after birth
  • Slow or stops postpartum haemorrhaging
  • Release bursts of energy and helps to reduce fatigue
  • Increases and enrich breast milk supply
  • Help you to rebalance and restore your mind, body and soul after birth and overall help to create a healthier postpartum recovery.

Placenta Encapsulation methods

1. TCM Method

The Traditional Chinese Method (TCM) was developed by a midwife named Raven Lang. It is the oldest and most commonly used method of placenta preparation. In the yin/yang Chinese philosophy the raw placenta is considered to be extreme yin (cold), so by steaming the placenta, yang (hot) energy is added that will help tonify and nourish the postpartum mother.
The placenta is washed and steamed using a combination of citrus, herbs and spice and is then dehydrated. From there, it is ground up into a fine powder and encapsulated into vegetarian capsules and jarred.

2. Raw Method

This method is popular with all types of diets but especially with raw foodists.
As in the Traditional Chinese Method, in the raw method the placenta is washed and immediately put in the dehydrator at a lower temperature. The theory behind the raw method is that drying the placenta at a low temperature maintains the integrity of the nutrients.
This method can take anywhere from 48-72 hours.

Birth is, for some Mamas, a once, twice, trice (or more) in a lifetime experience. Within this, is a short and delicate time frame for us to regain our mind, body and spirit and to honour ourselves in the recovery process. It is essential, especially in this day and age that we reconnect with our roots and start to regain our lost rituals so we can give ourselves the best possible start in motherhood.
Afterall a healthy mama means a healthy baby, a healthy family, a healthy eco-system and a healthier global future.

For more information, availability and booking requests, please feel free to send me an email to I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

> Postpartum packages